Glasgow are hosting an Integrated Architecture technical workshop on Wednesday
4th November and are inviting you to attend.
Control Systems can require separate control structures for each part of the
application but using Rockwell Automation’s Integrated Architecture, control
systems are connected, scaleable and information enabled, simplifying
maintenance, reducing design and implementation times and providing a seamless
and secure connection to other business systems.
Technical Workshop Series provides engineers with the opportunity to develop an
understanding of Rockwell Automation’s Logix control platform through hands-on
exercises using PLCs, Variable Speed Drives, Remote I/O, Motion Controllers,
HMI, Safety and Ethernet/IP products.
the Specialist
is your opportunity to discuss any aspect of automation face to face. Whether
you have a simple “How-to” question, or need a detailed discussion around your
next project, our Automation Specialists will be on hand to provide answers and
application experience.
Architecture links a host of compatible devices enabling machine builders and
end users alike to benefit from increased control system capability.
Using CompactLogix, a single
control platform, a versatile controller and a suite of integrated products,
you can now drastically reduce development and commissioning time. The latest
5370 CompactLogix controllers are featured in the workshop, including
integrated motion over Ethernet/IP.
Location: Rockwell Automation, Millennium House, Campus 1,
Balgowie Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB22 8GT.
Date: Wednesday 4th November, 2015, 8:30 - 15:30 with
lunch provided
For more information and to confirm your attendance please