Friday 24 January 2014

Thank Routeco It's Friday! (TRIF)

So this week a colleague and I have decided to book a spontaneous trip to see Gravity in the IMAX cinema at Waterloo, although we have already seen this film, we believe that some films need to be seen on a huge screen to be truly appreciated. 

Some of you may have not visited the IMAX before, to describe it simply, it’s the UK’s largest screen with deafening surround sound. The Disneyland for film fanatics like myself.

As a result I've listed some of the top films to see if you fancy a trip to the IMAX:

Jurassic Park
It might be an old film now compared to its competitors, as it was originally released in 1993. However, it was a film completely ahead of its time and now it has been re-mastered to look stunning in IMAX 3D, worth seeing a huge T-REX jump out the screen at you.

A recent release, and a strong contender in this year’s Oscars. This film focuses on an astronaut who gets separated from her crew and space station after an unexpected shower of debris hits them. The impressive special effects make you feel as if you’re really in outer space!

The Hobbit
Another recent release and a great family favourite, the Hobbit features a host of different mythical creates and one huge Dragon. Not to mention the stunning scenery (they film it in New Zealand) this is not a film you’d want to miss.

Let me know what impressive films you have seen recently.

Have a great weekend!

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